Relationship between sunshine duration and temperature trends across Europe since the second half of the twentieth century |
Van Den Besselaar, E. J M
; Sánchez Lorenzo, Arturo
; Wild, Martin
; Klein Tank, A. M. G.
; de Laat, A. T. J.
Relationship between sunshine duration and temperature trends across Europe since the second half of the twentieth century |
Van Den Besselaar, E. J M
; Sánchez Lorenzo, Arturo
; Wild, Martin
; Klein Tank, A. M. G.
; de Laat, A. T. J.
1 juny 2018 |
Relationship between sunshine duration and temperature trends across Europe since the second half of the twentieth century |
5 juny 2018 |
Relationship between sunshine duration and temperature trends across Europe since the second half of the twentieth century |
Besselaar, E.J.M. van den
; Sánchez Lorenzo, Arturo
; Wild, Martin
; Klein Tank, A. M. G.
; de Laat, A. T. J.
15 febrer 2020 |
Relationship between sunshine duration and temperature trends across Europe since the second half of the twentieth century |
Besselaar, E.J.M. van den
; Sánchez Lorenzo, Arturo
; Wild, Martin
; Klein Tank, A. M. G.
; de Laat, A. T. J.
27 octubre 2015 |
Relationship between sunshine duration and temperature trends across Europe since the second half of the twentieth century |
Besselaar, E.J.M. van den
; Sánchez Lorenzo, Arturo
; Wild, Martin
; Klein Tank, A. M. G.
; de Laat, A. T. J.
2023 |
[Ressenya] Alegre Lorenz, David. 2022. ’Colaboracionistas: Europa occidental y el Nuevo Orden nazi’. Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg, 583 p. |
Font Masdeu, Pau
juny 2019 |
[Ressenya] Cortés Martín, José Manuel. Avatares del proceso de adhesión de la Unión Europea al Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos, Editorial Reus, Madrid, 2018, 247 pp. |
Illamola Dausà, Mariona
2006 |
[Ressenya] EURYDICE (2004): Temas clave de la educación en Europa. Volumen 3. La profesión docente en Europa: Perfil, tendencias y problemática. Informe II: Oferta y demanda (Bruselas, Unidad Europea de Eurydice) 167 pp |
Duque Sánchez, Elena
15 febrer 2020 |
[Ressenya del llibre] CORTÉS MARTÍN, José Manuel, Avatares del proceso de adhesión de la Unión Europea al Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos, Editorial Reus, Madrid, 2018, 247 pp. |
Illamola Dausà, Mariona
2010 |
[Resssenya] La catalogazione dei manoscriti miniati come strumento di conoscenza.: esperienze, metodologia, prospettive, a cura di Silvia MADDALO e Michela TORQUATI,
Istituto Storico per il Medio Evo (Nuovi Studi Storici, 87), Roma 2010, 266 pp. ills. ISBN
978-88-89190-66-1 |
Molina i Figueras, Joan
28 setembre 2017 |
De la revolució conservadora a la postmodernitat, Heidegger et Arendt |
Faye, Emmanuel
The Role of Feedback in the Bologna Process, According to Goal Setting Theory: An Exploratory Study of Students’ Perceptions |
Puig Terrón, Miriam
; Balagué i Canadell, Jordi
; Solé Pla, Joan
The Role of Feedback in the Bologna Process, According to Goal Setting Theory: An Exploratory Study of Students’ Perceptions |
Puig Terrón, Miriam
; Balagué i Canadell, Jordi
; Solé Pla, Joan
desembre 2016 |
The Role of Feedback in the Bologna Process, According to Goal Setting Theory: An Exploratory Study of Students’ Perceptions |
Puig Terrón, Miriam
; Balagué i Canadell, Jordi
; Solé Pla, Joan
1 juny 2018 |
The Role of Feedback in the Bologna Process, According to Goal Setting Theory: An Exploratory Study of Students’ Perceptions |
5 juny 2018 |
The Role of Feedback in the Bologna Process, According to Goal Setting Theory: An Exploratory Study of Students’ Perceptions |
Puig Terrón, Miriam
; Balagué i Canadell, Jordi
; Solé Pla, Joan
30 gener 2007 |
Rússia i l’evolució de l’Est d’Europa |
Taibo, Carlos
juny 2014 |
Salut i societat a l’Europa rural: segles XVIII-XX: una perspectiva historiogràfica |
Pastrana Roman, Valeri
The structures of youth participation in Catalonia since the democratic transition |
Soler Masó, Pere
; Novella Cámara, Ana M.
; Planas Lladó, Anna
The structures of youth participation in Catalonia since the democratic transition |
Soler Masó, Pere
; Novella Cámara, Ana M.
; Planas Lladó, Anna
1 juny 2018 |
The structures of youth participation in Catalonia since the democratic transition |
5 juny 2018 |
The structures of youth participation in Catalonia since the democratic transition |
Soler Masó, Pere
; Novella Cámara, Ana M.
; Planas Lladó, Anna
15 febrer 2020 |
The structures of youth participation in Catalonia since the democratic transition |
Soler Masó, Pere
; Novella Cámara, Ana M.
; Planas Lladó, Anna
2015 |
The structures of youth participation in Catalonia since the democratic transition |
Soler Masó, Pere
; Novella Cámara, Ana M.
; Planas Lladó, Anna